Date | Topic | Audio |
2015-8-04 | Catholics & the Apocrypha: Are the Romans Catholics the ONLY church that use the Apocrypha? |
2015-8-04 | Marriage Advice: Why is it best NOT to get a divorce despite infidelity, the caller would like Steve to explain. [Malachi 2:16] |
2015-8-04 | Day of the Lord: Are we to take 1 Peter 3 literally or apocalyptically? Was it talking about 70 AD or the end times? {1 Peter 3] |
2015-8-04 | Pope's Visit: What does Steve think about the Pope's Visit & addressing the US Congress? Isn't prophecy fulfilling itself in Revelation 13? |
2015-8-04 | Martin Luther: Why was Martin Luther Anti-Semitic, going against both the Jews & the Peasants? |
2015-8-03 | Absent from the Body, Present w/ the Lord: What kind of body do we have in Heaven? So we're naked there? [Philippians 1:21-23] |
2015-8-03 | Defending Yourself w/ Firearms: What does the Bible say about defending yourself w/ guns? |
2015-8-03 | Meekness: What does being meek mean? [Matthew 5:5] |
2015-8-03 | God Made the Heaven & the Earth: Call not a very good call. Maybe somebody else can make heads or tails out of it! |
2015-8-03 | Forgiveness: How would you know you actually completely forgave someone? Does the offender have to acknowledge the offense, & would they have to offer an apology? |
2015-8-03 | World is in Turmoil: We are at the end because the world because there's so much chaos, the world is dying. |
2015-7-30 | Playing it Safe as Missionaries: Should some people who are about to go on a missionary trip to a closed Muslim country play it safe or go boldly as some of the apostles seemed to do? [Matthew 10:16] |
2015-7-30 | Elihu & Job: Does Steve have any idea who Elihu was, & he didn't seem to have anything different to say than Job's friends, so how did HE get a pass? |
2015-7-30 | Heaven or Planet Earth On Side of Glory: Misphrased his Question: Do you go to heaven or live on the earth in eternity? |
2015-7-30 | Soul Sleep: Do we go to Heaven or stay here when we die? He's having trouble finding any place in the Bible that we go there. [Philippians 1:21-23] |
2015-7-30 | Lazarus: Wouldn't that have been cruel of Jesus to bring Lazarus out of Paradise to come back to this cold, cruel world? |
2015-7-30 | Suffering: Why does God allow so much suffering in the world? Jesus suffered more than anyone will suffer, the caller told his friend. Was he right in saying what he said & could have Jesus turned off His nerve endings, & would that have unqualified Him from suffering for us? |
2015-7-30 | One Jot or Tittle: Not one jot or one tittle would change, Jesus said, that He only fulfilled the law. What does Steve say? [Matthew 5:17-19] |
2015-7-30 | The Mosaic Law & Jesus: Did Jesus follow the Mosaic Law to the letter? [Galatians 4:4] |
2015-7-30 | Dying on the Cross: If Jesus hadn't voluntarily died on the Cross, would He have lived forever? [John 10:17-18] |
2015-7-30 | The Miracle of the Cross: The Miracle of the Cross was that He was humble enough to come & die for us. |
2015-7-30 | Creating a New Earth & Corrupted after the Tribulation: If Christ comes back, & it's all messed up, what's the point in coming here? & if He revises it, why a New Earth? (questions are a little convoluted) |
2015-7-30 | God Hates People: God hates SIN, so why can't He also hate people? [Malachi 1:2-3, Romans 9:13] |
2015-7-29 | Homosexual Temptation: A friend of the listener struggles w/ same-sex attraction. Can he still be a Christian despite this? |
2015-7-29 | Listening to the Holy Spirit: How come Steve doesn't listen to the Holy Spirit as to when to end a conversation w/ a caller? |
2015-7-29 | Referring to the Holy Sprit: How come he doesn't refer to Him when people call w/ their problems, or what Bible to use, or what church to go to? |
2015-7-29 | Earth/Land Confusion: Not sure what he's asking. [Genesis 32:30] |
2015-7-29 | Deny Yourself & Pick Up Your Cross: "Deny Yourself, pick up your Cross, & follow Me", what did Jesus mean by that? [Matthew 16:24-25] |
2015-7-29 | "Jacob Have I loved, but Esau have I Hated": If God can hate Esau, why can't we hate people? [Malachi 1:2-3, Romans 9:13] |
2015-7-29 | Solomon: Why is Solomon in the Bible since he had so many concubines? |
2015-7-29 | Holy Spirit: Can Steve please explain Romans 8:1-4? Walking in the Spirit, that'd be different than walking according to the requirements of the law, so what did Paul mean by the righteousness of the law? |
2015-7-29 | Good & Evil People: Does God make some people Evil? [Romans 9:21-23] |
2015-7-29 | Being Wronged: If person does something against a person that is wrong, is the person that is wronged obligated to point this out to the person or should they should just pray for them? [Matthew 5:23-24, Luke 17:3, Matthew 18] |
2015-7-29 | Not Listening to the Holy Spirit (Rebuttal): Caller wanted to comment how Steve Gregg IS led by the Holy Spirit as he answers questions. |
2015-7-29 | Holy Spirit: Take things w/ a Grain of Salt what people say to you when they say they are being led by the Holy Spirit. |
2015-7-29 | "Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?": Is the reason Jesus cried, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" to direct listeners to Psalm 22? |
2015-7-28 | Church leadership (Elder/Pastor): Definition of Elder, is that an actual Pastor or a layman of the Congregation? |
2015-7-28 | Having or Not Having Swords: Contradictions about the usage of the Sword which Jesus instructed. Where's He going w/ this? [Luke 22:35-38] (It was also asked as the first Q on July 24, 2015) |
2015-7-28 | Being Born-Again: The Bible doesn't really say anything about accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord. So how does a person become a member of the Kingdom of God, a Christian? |
2015-7-28 | Garden of Eden 2: End of Time being like the Garden of Eden, is there a verse that says that? [Revelation 21 & 22] |
2015-7-28 | Kingdom of God: When was the Kingdom of God established? At time of John the Baptist or at Pentecost? |
2015-7-28 | Jesus as the Bread of Life: Doesn't Jesus make it seem like we wouldn't die if we ate His bread? [John 6:43-51] |
2015-7-28 | Dating of Revelation: Where does Steve get his information that makes him think the Book of Revelation was written before 70 AD? |
2015-7-28 | Land Promised to Abraham NOT Fulfilled: Caller has a Millennian friend who says the Land Has never been given to Israel yet. What does Steve think about that? [Genesis 15:18, 1 Kings 4:21, Joshua 21:43]. |
2015-7-27 | Lordship of Christ: Did Steve say that faith without works is dead? Aren't we completely saved by grace? What does it mean to do "good works"? |
2015-7-27 | Sabbath & the New Covenant: Caller reads a couple quotes about the Sabbath & Sunday & the Catholic Church. If Steve agrees w/ the statements he just read, then how come we shouldn't collectively keep Saturday as the Sabbath? |
2015-7-27 | Jehovah's Witness: 144,000 & only their anointed can take Communion? Can Steve please explain the 144,000? |
2015-7-27 | "Lead us not into Temptation": Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted, so is this saying that God leads US to the Devil as well? [Matthew 4:1] |
2015-7-24 | Sword in a Metaphorical sense or Literal: Was Jesus speaking metaphorically or Literally when He told them to get swords because Peter had a sword when they came to arrest him & when he went to use it was rebuked by Jesus. [Luke 22:35-38] |
2015-7-24 | Bible Interpretation in Isaiah: What are Steve's thoughts on a certain passage of Isaiah, especially verse 3? [Isaiah 43:3-5] |