Date | Topic | Audio |
2014-12-10 | Animal Sacrifices: It tells us in Hebrews that animal sacrifices can never take away sin, so why do verses in the Old Testament seem to say just the opposite, that they can & will? [Hebrews 10] |
2014-12-10 | Nero Caesar: You say the name, "Caesar Nero" adds up to 666, but was that in Greek or Hebrew that you said it did that? |
2014-12-10 | Death unto Life & Gave He power: Are these statements a little bit contradictory? So to become Sons of God, all we have to do is believe, & repent & become born-again? [John 5:24, John 1:12, 1 Peter 1, 1 John 3:2] |
2014-12-10 | American Slavery & Slavery in th Bible: Discussion about slavery, both the American version & the slavery of the Bible. |
2014-12-10 | Christian Zionism: What is the view of Christian Zionism & getting a remnant of Israel back together? |
2014-12-10 | Genocide to Canaan: What about the genocide the Jews did to the Canaanites? |
2014-12-10 | Daughter of Zion: Tribes of Judah are coming out. (a very crazy call.) |
2014-12-10 | Covenant: What is the significance of the Blood in the Old & New Covenants? |
2014-12-10 | Jesus' Imminent Return: Is Jesus' return imminent? [2 Thessalonians 2] |
2014-12-10 | Christmas: Is there any biblical basis for celebrating Christmas? Is there anything wrong w/ celebrating it? |
2014-12-10 | Christian Zionism & Hebrew blacks Jews: Caller rebutting a call she heard about Christian Zionism. |
2014-12-09 | Similar Writing in the Bible: Why is Isaiah 36:1-39:8 so much like 2 Kings 18:17-20:21? People have been challenging the validity of the Bible just because of this, copied or similar material. [Isaiah 36:1 - 39:8, 2 Kings 18:17 - 20:21] |
2014-12-09 | Loving Your Enemy: Can you explain what Jesus meant by "love your enemy"? We need to help Christians with guns to help people in 3rd world countries being killed for their faith. [Matthew 5:41-48. James 5:6] |
2014-12-09 | Jesus' Brothers: I've been reading a book about Jesus' brothers, but the person who wrote it is a RC, so wondering your thoughts? |
2014-12-09 | Isaiah 53: Why is Isaiah 53 written in the past tense? [Isaiah 53] |
2014-12-09 | Dying for Christ: If we have a true relationship w/ the Father, with Jesus, we should have no fear of dying for Him, if we were ever threatened w/ death for not denouncing Christ. |
2014-12-09 | KJV differences: Another KJV advocate caller trying to back up another KJV advocate who had been calling recently, saying that there wasn't many changes. |
2014-12-09 | Catholicism & Christianity: How do Catholicism & Christianity (Protestantism/Evangelicalism) differ from each other? |
2014-12-09 | Mormonism & Christianity: What is the difference between Mormonism & Christianity? |
2014-12-08 | Unregenerate Men: Does God command unregenerate men to do things they can not possibly do? I know it sounds like Pelagianism, but what is your take? |
2014-12-08 | Eternal Security: God won't leave you once you belong to Him, isn't that right? |
2014-12-08 | Rewards - Prizes: Most people think that the rewards you receive is your faithfulness while we were down here on earth. Do you agree with that? [1 Corinthians 9:4, Philippians 3:7-11] |
2014-12-08 | Salvation Transaction: To some people Salvation is like a Transaction, that once you cash in, you are set for life, for eternal life. |
2014-12-08 | Salvation via other Religions: There's a lot of Religions that seem to have the same idea/experiences as what happens in Christianity, so is it possible that God just uses them to get people to come to Him? |
2014-12-08 | Life after Death: What really happens to after you die? What happens to your spirit? Does it stay here in this realm? Does it go to Heaven? Is it unconscious? |
2014-12-08 | Abortion: How can God be against abortion when at one time He drowned the whole world in a Flood except for 8 people? |
2014-12-08 | The Menorah: Caller was given a Menorah, but isn't sure where to put it w/ her Christmas decorations, & is it even acceptable to have in your house? |
2014-12-08 | Put to death fleshly things: Isn't choosing to put away fleshly, carnal things a matter of an Act of Will, so doesn't that take away the idea that it's just all up to God? |
2014-12-08 | Soul-Sleep: Being on a operating table, being under anesthesia, makes me think of soul go out & then you are suddenly being woke up! |
2014-12-08 | The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer I enjoyed this book very much & see parallels of what you teach. |
2014-12-05 | The Jews: Who are the Jews? Are they Israel? Are they Judah? Or are they some other people? |
2014-12-05 | Peter, the Fish & Taxes: What was the purpose of the exercise of Jesus having Peter get the coin from the fish? [Matthew 17:24-27] |
2014-12-05 | Date of the Book of Revelation: Was the book of Revelation written after 70 AD, or before? |
2014-12-05 | Dispensationalism & the 144,000: After the Rapture, David Jeremiah suggested that the 144,000 would be a future group, 12,000 people from each tribe, & they'll evangelize the entire world of the people are "left behind". What do you think? |
2014-12-05 | Appointed to Eternal Life Believed: A Calvinism & Arminian debate, trying to dissect a particular verse, the caller trying to point out that some are predestined to believe. [Acts 13:48, 2:23, 4:27-28] |
2014-12-05 | Jesus Wept: Why did Jesus weep? Because Lazarus was dead? It shouldn't have been because of that because He knew He was going to raise him from the dead. Was it because of their unbelief? [John 11:33-36] |
2014-12-05 | God's Sovereignty & Free Will: Did God just make these 2 ideas, God's sovereignty & having Free Will, to just co-exist with each other? |
2014-12-04 | Calvinism-Total Depravity: Calvinist's like to use verses surrounding the Flood as proof that Man is completely depraved. [Genesis 6:5, 8:21] |
2014-12-04 | Qualifications for Church Elders: Elders need to have all their children under control, walking w/ the Lord, in order for them to be qualified. What is your opinion about it? |
2014-12-04 | Relationship problems & children out of wedlock: Wondering what to do about it. |
2014-12-04 | Feasts of the Lord: Of the Feasts of the Lord, Which ones have not been fulfilled at the first coming of Christ? [Leviticus 23] |
2014-12-04 | KJV only Advocate & 4 major Revisions: Caller disagrees there's been 4 major revisions of the KJV of the Bible like everyone purports. |
2014-12-04 | God Revealing Himself: Can & does God still communicate through Dreams, Visions, audible voices, Prophecies, Angelic Messengers? |
2014-12-04 | Jesus the Good Shepherd: Jesus was referred to as the Good Shepherd, but why would He want to be called that since they had such a low status in society? [Genesis 46:34, Matthew 11:29] |
2014-12-04 | New Covenant: Who is the New Covenant for? Was it made to the house of Israel? |
2014-12-03 | Adultery & Lust: Is Adultery the same as the same as lust? Was Jesus only talking to married men, & so a single man is off by a technicality because he isn't married & able to commit "lust"? [Matthew 5:28] |
2014-12-03 | Preaching Styles: Why do some preachers feel they have to yell? Did Jesus or Paul ever yell? |
2014-12-03 | Visualization & Affirmation: Is it wrong to use Visualization & Affirmation because according to Johanna Michaelsen, it is not a good idea to do that. |
2014-12-03 | Alcoholism: How do i get out of my alcoholism? |
2014-12-03 | Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: My wife divorced me because of my alcoholism. What should i do? |