Commitment to Christ:Should we understand that praying the sinner’s prayer is like taking an oath of committing oneself for a future endeavor, like the military?
Two Ages in the Bible?What is Don Preston's (a full-preterist) view of the resurrection? Are there only two ages? [Acts 2:7-9] neither marry or given in marriage/ Luke 20:34
Scripture relevancy to today: Why do we think some scripture applies to us, when it was written to specific ancient people [Zephaniah 3:17]? Old Testament verses identified in the New Testament, as applying to us now. How to distinguish ones applicable to us today? [2 Corinthians 1:20].
Heaven or New Earth:Where will believers end up living, ultimately? Will it be in heaven or on the new earth? [Psalm 2, Matthew 5:5] Do believers ever get to go to heaven? What does "absent from the body, present with the Lord" refer to? [II Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1, I Thessalonians 4:14}.
Election (Predestination):Is the verse about the potter & the clay about people being predestined to be saved or to go to hell [Jeremiah 18:1-4}?. What does "They are not all Israel, that are Israel" mean [Romans 9:6]? [Isaiah 10:22, Romans 9:27-28] Who are the chosen ones? Chosen for what? What about Jacob & Esau? And the vessel for honor or dishonor [2 Timothy 2:20-21, Romans 9:21].
Sons of God: Were the Sons of God in Genesis 6, possibly the original angels? [Genesis 6, Psalm 82] What about "the councils of Gods"? Are angels are really tall? Was God's first attempt at creation a failure, so He created us?
Jesus in The Garden of Eden: Would you expound on "the voice of God" in the Garden of Eden? Did God physically appear? Could it have actually been a form of Jesus? [Genesis 3, Genesis 18:10]. Defining "Theophany" and "Christophany." [Col 2:9, John 1:14].
Righteousness & Justification: Is this verse, Psalms 106:31, talking about the same concept as when it says Abraham was justified by faith [Psalms 106:31, Romans 4, Galatians 5:6, James 2:24].
Calvinism-The Elect: Are Calvinists similar to the Jews that assumed salvation based on their ethnic election-or chosen status? [Romans 9]. Are Calvinists more humble because they believe in total depravity?
The Church-Organization:What do you think about a home church vs an established church organization? The Narrow Path; Article: What is the Church?, Topical Lecture: Some Assembly Required
Honor Your Parents:What does it mean to honor your parents? Is it the same for a child, as it is for an adult? [Ephesians 6, Matthew 15:3, Mark 7, I Timothy 3:5]. What about if your parents don't want your help?
Tithing: What else would the website, The Narrow Path, have about tithing, besides the posted article? Steve recommends "Toward a Radically Christian Counter-Culture." and his verse-by-verse; [Genesis 14, Malachi 3, Luke 12]. What do you think about a pastor who questions one's salvation if they are not tithing, and suggests that tithing is not a ceremonial law, but a moral law?
Signs of Salvation: What are the necessary signs of salvation? Do you have to be baptized or speak in tongues in order to be saved? What does being saved actually mean?
New Earth: Will we still have temptations and free will, and be able to disobey, when we are on the new earth? If the angels chose to sin, will we be able to?
Once Saved, Always Saved:Is it dangerous to stay in a church that believes the extremes of either position; one cannot lose their salvation vs one can never lose their salvation?
Christians in Government:Would you elaborate on Christian responsibility relative to law enforcement, state mandates, war, and capital punishment [Mark 7, Romans 13]?
Hell-3 Views: Would you clarify your view of Hell (eternal torment, shame, everlasting contempt)? Can you explain Annihilationism [Dan 12:2]? Can you clarify the meaning of the word for "everlasting" in scripture (olam; eternal, everlasting, beyond the horizon).
Jesus' Defeat of Satan:What do you think of the Word of Faith teaching about Jesus going to hell to defeat Satan? How did Jesus defeat Satan? How did He triumph over the demonic powers? [Colossians 2:15, Hebrews 2:14].
Once Saved, Always Saved?:Are we born sinners? Once saved, always saved? What is the significance to remaining attached to the vine? [Hebrews 3:12, John 15:6, Romans 11:22, Luke 8:13].
Calvinism & Jacob & Esau:Calvinism's view of the Scripture in Romans 9. Issac and Ishmael and what Issac was chosen for. What does it mean when scripture indicates that God hated Esau and loved Jacob [Malachi 1:3, Romans 9:13]?
Modern Israel:Do you believe the Arabs had their land unjustly taken when the state of Israel was formed in 1948? What is the significance of Israel now? What are the prophesies about Israel?