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Date Topic Audio
2023-6-22 "Sin Unto Death": Can you clarify the verse about those "that sin unto death?" [1 John 5:16-17, 1 John 1:9].
2023-6-22 Eucharist & Logos: Is it possible that we misunderstand the importance of "remembrance" in the Eucharist, and what we lost at Eden?
2023-6-21 Finding God: Do we find God, or does God find us? [Luke 15:4, Philippians 3:12, Jeremiah 29:13, Acts 17:27].
2023-6-21 Syntax (Word Order) in Greek & Hebrew Languages: Could you review the syntax (word order) of the Greek & Hebrew languages?
2023-6-21 Divorce & the Unforgivable Sin: Is divorce the unforgivable sin? Are people who get a divorce, eternally damned? What is the state of the Christian who gets a divorce? Rec: Topical article; "Divorce and Remarriage." [Matthew 5:32, Matthew 19:9, Matthew 12:31-32, Matthew 16:24-26].
2023-6-21 Satan's Creation: Why did God create Satan? [Hebrews 2:10, Romans 8:29].
2023-6-21 Pets in Heaven: Are our beloved pets going to be in heaven?
2023-6-21 Grace, Works & Obedience: How does "works" and "obedience" relate to "grace?" How would this apply to the thief on the cross? [Ephesians 2:8-10, Titus 2:11-12, Luke 18:10-14, 1 Timothy 6:3-4, Matthew 7:21-23].
2023-6-21 Disagreement on Divorce: Caller disagrees with Steve about divorce, attributing all the scripture to a spiritual application.
2023-6-21 Sting of Death & the Law: What is the phrase "power of sin is the law?" [1 Corinthians 15:56, Romans 7:7].
2023-6-20 Buddhism vs Christianity Buddhist caller discusses basic differences between the two faiths (Buddhist & Christianity) in the way truth is established (epistemology). Rec: Video; [Hebrews 11:6].
2023-6-20 Conspiracy Theories: Has interest in "conspiracy theories" always been part of Christianity? [Isaiah 8:12].
2023-6-20 Proof for the Faith: Caller comments about the evidence for belief found in science and fulfilled prophecy.
2023-6-20 "Catholic Church" vs "Roman Catholic Church:" Could you clarify the terminology of the Universal Catholic Church and the Roman Catholic Church?
2023-6-20 Apostles Creed: What is meant by "the communion of saints" in the Apostles' Creed?
2023-6-20 Baptism (pour or immerse): What do you think about baptizing by pouring water only on someone's head and having him make out papers?
2023-6-20 "Time" in Scripture: Are you familiar with the different meanings of the words (chronos and kairos) used for "time" in scripture? [Revelation 1:1, Revelation 1:19].
2023-6-20 Selection of Books for the Bible: How did they decide which books to keep in the Bible, like when they omitted "Nag Hammadi" (Gnostic Gospels)? Should I read these books or should I avoid them? Rec: Topical Lecture; "Authority of Scripture." [Ephesians 4:14].
2023-6-19 Arminianism: What is the belief of Arminians (Arminianism)?
2023-6-19 Thief on the Cross-Not Born of Water: Does the verse in John 3 about the necessity of water baptism become violated in the story of the "Thief on the Cross?" [John 3:5].
2023-6-19 Baptism & The Plan of Salvation: Caller comments on baptism in Jesus' name and its inception after the death of Christ. [Acts 2:38, Acts 16:31, Romans 10:9, 1 John 5:12, 1 Corinthians 6:20].
2023-6-19 Wine or Grape Juice: Dr Vernon McGee said the wine at the wedding was really not wine, but good grape juice. Does that sound right? [1 Timothy 5:23, 1 Corinthians 11:21, John 2:10].
2023-6-19 Baptism by Fire: What does it mean to be "baptized with fire?" [Matthew 3:10-12].
2023-6-19 Government Authority: Were Christians protesting the government authorities? [Romans 13:1-3, 1 Peter 2:13-14].
2023-6-19 "Not Until All These Things Pass Away": Can you help me understand Matthew 24:34 and Jesus' reference to "not until all these things pass away?" [Matthew 24:3, Matthew 24:33-34, Matthew 24:26-30, Isaiah 19:1].
2023-6-19 "Foreknew" vs "Fore-loved": What do you think about the claim that the word for "foreknew" really means "fore-loved?" [1 Peter 1:1-2, Amos 3:2. Matthew 7:22-23, John 5:42].
2023-6-16 Natural Human Immortality: Are there any good arguments for humans being naturally immortal? [1 Timothy 6:16, 1 John 5:11, John 3:16, Romans 2:5-10, Genesis 3].
2023-6-16 Great Awakening & Eternal Security: Do you think that Jonathan Edwards's success in the "Great Awakening" would necessitate that they did not teach "Eternal Security" (Once Saved, Always Saved)?
2023-6-16 Signs of a Coming Revival: Looking at the Dispensational predictions of the imminent return of Christ and the parallels in the 1940s with the Millerites, and the 70s Jesus Revolution, etc., don't you think we may be due another revival?
2023-6-16 Symbolism vs Literalism: Could you talk about the symbolism in the language ("Bride of Christ," "Body of Christ"), etc.? [1 Peter 2:5, Matthew 7:11].
2023-6-16 Moses' Wives: Did Moses marry twice? First to a Midianite woman and then a Cushite woman? [Exodus 18-19, Numbers 12:1].
2023-6-16 God's Control Over the World: Did God just let the world go after He created it, or does He manipulate everything because of His sovereignty? [Matthew 7:11, Matthew 23:37, Luke 13:34, Isaiah 66:3-4, Jeremiah 7:31, Hosea 8:4].
2023-6-16 Blasphemy: If someone blasphemes the Holy Spirit accidentally, will they still go to heaven? [Matthew 12:31-34
2023-6-16 Genesis Creation Account Contradictions: What about the contradiction of the creation story in Genesis 1 & 2, and when the animals were formed? [Genesis 2:19].
2023-6-16 The Lord's Prayer (Forgiveness): If the Lord's Prayer is a kind of blueprint to pray, should we be asking daily not only for our daily food but for forgiveness, and daily forgive others? [James 3:2, 1 Corinthians 4:4, 1 John 2:1]
2023-6-16 Eastern Orthodox-Josiah Trenham: Why would Josiah Trenham (author of Blackened Sand) say he needed a bishop when he converted to Eastern Orthodoxy?
2023-6-15 1000-Year Millennial Reign: Could you talk about the 1000-year millennial reign, especially in light of Isaiah 11 (both your view (Amillennial) and the Premillennial Dispensational view)? Rec: Verse-by-verse teaching at [Isaiah 11, Revelation 20, Luke 4:18, Isaiah 61:1-2, Hosea 6:5, Malachi 4:2, Jeremiah 5:6, Ephesians 2:12-19, Luke 10:19, 1 John 4:4, Romans 15:12, Luke 9:31].
2023-6-15 Origin of the Soul: Is the soul created (ensoulment) by God, or by the parents?
2023-6-15 Trichotomy vs Dichotomy: What are your thoughts about the trichotomy vs dichotomy debate (body, soul, spirit - characteristics of mankind)? [1 Thessalonians 5:23, Hebrews 4:12, 1 Corinthians 14:14].
2023-6-15 "Things of the World" (spiritual vs material): Regarding the "things of the world," is there a correlation between 1 John 2 and 1 Corinthians 7? [1 John 2:15-17, 1 Corinthians 7:31-34, 2 Timothy 4:10].
2023-6-15 Compromised by Unbelieving Spouse: What if the Christian spouse is caused to compromise in life by the unchristian spouse?
2023-6-15 The Birthright & the Patriarchal Blessing: Could you explain the birthrights discussed in Genesis 25 and Genesis 27? [Genesis 25, Genesis 27].
2023-6-15 Israel's Two Wives: Did Israel have two wives? [Isaiah 54:1, Acts 2:41, Galatians 4:30].
2023-6-15 Old Testament View of Resurrection & Afterlife: If all you had was the Old Testament, how would you view the resurrection and the afterlife? [Ezekiel 37, Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 26:21, Job 19:26, John 5:24, Ephesians 2:5].
2023-6-15 Sadducees: Did the Sadducees believe everything just ends at death - with no afterlife?
2023-6-15 The Afterlife in Scripture: Why doesn't the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, say more about the afterlife? [Psalm 23:6, 2 Timothy 1:10].
2023-6-14 Differences in New Testament Quote: Could you explain why the Psalm verses quoted in Hebrews doesn't seem to have the same meaning when it is quoted? [Psalm 95:11, Hebrews 4:3, Genesis 2:1-3, Hebrews 4:10-11, Hebrews10:1-4, Hebrews 10:11].
2023-6-14 Protesting Leftist Issues: Can you advise me about participation in protests against some of the outrageous events, like "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgences," especially, in light of how the Catholic Church is dealing with the protest with superstitions and relics?
2023-6-14 "Eternal Torment" vs "Another Chance" in Hell: Could you comment on this challenge to there being another chance after we die and when we are resurrected? [Philippians 3:11, 1 Timothy 6:16].
2023-6-14 Books Not in the Canon: What do you think about the extrabiblical/ Apocryphal book, "The Acts of Paul and Thecla" and the Eastern Orthodox positive view of it?