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Showing 22,651 to 22,700 of 24,640.
Date Topic Audio
2013-11-25 Elijah Being Taken Away: Why did God take Elijah the way He did?
2013-11-25 "Strange Fire" Book by John MacArthur: Would Steve be interested in a book called, "Strange Fire" by John MacArthur that's talking about speaking in tongues & other things that MacArthur criticizes about Spiritual Gifts?
2013-11-25 Jesus called Immanuel: How come God is never called, Immanuel? [Isiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23]
2013-11-25 Young Soldier Dying not Knowing the Lord: What's going to happen to a young soldier who died out in the battlefield but wasn't a believer?
2013-11-15 Everyone a Missionary: Should everyone go out on the Mission Field? If not, who should?
2013-11-15 Apostolic Succession: Do we have any idea if there was any apostolic succession or where it ends?
2013-11-15 The 7 Sacraments Getting Started: How did the churches in Europe start virtually the same way, such as the 7 Sacraments?
2013-11-15 Doubting God: Caller admits he's doubting the Word of God & shares experiences he might be experiencing. <Steve recommnds a lecture called, "Why I'm Still a Christian".>
2013-11-15 Experiences from God Even Though not A True Follower: How do we know we are having experiences from God when there are so many people think they do but are so wrong, like the Mormon & the burning in their bosom, or the Hindu?
2013-11-15 God only manifesting Himself to Some: Why does God only choose to talk to some?
2013-11-15 Relying on Feelings to Follow God: I think it was great that my call came after the previous one because it's sort've about the same thing, that you can't rely on your feelings to follow God. I was reading about a pastor who committed suicide & think that even though I disagree with most of "Strange Fire" by John MacArthur, that the spiritual gifts are not for today's church, that he made a few good points in his book.
2013-11-15 Finding God in Biology You can truly find God even in Biology class, proving a Creator created it.
2013-11-14 Jesus' Form before His Incarnation: What type of form was Jesus in before His incarnation? [John 1:1-5]
2013-11-14 Trinity Always Existed: Has the Trinity always existed even before the Bible?
2013-11-14 Cause of the 10 Lepers: Is there any clue if the 10 Lepers in the Bible that Jesus healed was a result of God striking them down with it in the first place? [Luke 17:11-14]
2013-11-14 Lepers going to High Priest: Why did Jesus have them go to the High Priest after He healed them?
2013-11-14 Jesus the Only Way: Michael the Buddhist has a hard time grasping that Jesus in the only way to the truth.
2013-11-14 Suicide being Selfish: Caller thinks Steve saying committing suicide is selfish is wrong.
2013-11-14 Super Typhoon Haiyan/Super Typhoon Yolanda: An Atheist caller is wondering how God would allow something like the typhoon that hit the Philippines & killed over 8,000 people happen?
2013-11-14 Lutheran & Catholic Church: Calls asks is there a difference between the Bible that the Lutherans use or the Catholic Church uses?
2013-11-14 God's attitude Towards the Repentant & Unrepentant: What is God's attitude to a person who is not saved, & what is His attitude to a saved person?
2013-11-13 Paul's Labor in Vain: In 1 Corinthians Paul was saying his work wouldn't be in vain, but in Galations he was worried that his labor might be in vain. Why? [1 Corinthians 15:58, Galatians 4:11]
2013-11-13 Understanding the Woman in Revelation: Can you tell me who the woman in Revelation 6 is referrring to? When does Jesus get taken up to the throne in this Vision? You don't think we are still fighting with priniciplaties & powers? [Revelation 12:1-6, Ephesian 6:12]
2013-11-13 3 Views of Hell & God's Character in Question: Caller wants to know which view of hell might be right in light of God's character.
2013-11-13 People going to Hell: Who's going to hell?
2013-11-13 Planting a Money Seed for More Money: What about these prosperity preachers asking people to send a seed of $1,000 or $200 to get blessed even more?
2013-11-13 Believers Concerned About Sin: Why do Christians worry about sin after they are saved? Aren't we redeemed by the blood? [1 John 1:8] (audio of caller is poor.)
2013-11-13 Saved by Grace: Caller is trying to clarify what the previous caller by being concerned about sin all the time.
2013-11-13 Steve Debating about Hell: Would Steve ever consider debating somebody about the views of hell?
2013-11-13 The 3 Views of Hell: No matter what the view of hell is, there is only one correct view, right?
2013-11-13 Healing in the Atonement: Is Healing promised in the Atonement because everyone was healed in the Bible?
2013-11-12 Eliajah Coming Before Jesus' Second Coming: I was reading a commentary by Zalbert Barnes who says that Elijah is going to come yet again Great & Terrible day of the Secoming of Christ even though he was John the Baptist during Jesus' first Advent. What do you think? [Malachi 4:1-6]
2013-11-12 "You Shall See Me No More": Caller is wondering how Steve interpret's the last 3 verses of Matthew when Jesus weeps for Jerusalem in the light of his Partial Preterist paradigm? [Matthew 23:37-39]
2013-11-12 Future showing of the Spirit of Elijah: In light of previous call, the caller still maintains there will be a future Eliajah the Prophet, besides the John the Baptist, & want to know what Steve thinks of a passage in Matthew. [Matthew 17:11-13]
2013-11-12 "No other Sign shall be Given You": What signs were people still looking for since Jesus had already done so many signs & wonders when He said they won't see any more signs? [Matthew 16:4]
2013-11-12 God or Satan Incited David to Number the People: Did God or Satan incite David to number the people? [2 Samuel 24:1, 2 Chronicles 21:17]
2013-11-12 John the Baptist Elijah or Not: Jesus said that John the Baptist was the spirit of Elijah that has come, but John the Baptist says he was not Elijah. Why the contradiction? [John 1:19-28, Matthew 17:11-13]
2013-11-12 God Creating Good & Evil: Can you talk about God creating both good & evil? [Isaiah 45:7]
2013-11-12 Teaching from the KJV: Is teaching out of the King James Version of the Bible okay?
2013-11-11 12 Step, AA Programs: Would Steve recommend 12 Step, double AA programs?
2013-11-11 Supporting 12 Steps Programs: Caller is thinks 12 step, AA Recovery meetings are a very good thing.
2013-11-11 The Baha'i Faith: Caller thinks all the faiths in the world are the same, including the Baha'i Faith. Doesn't Steve agree?
2013-11-11 Catholic Church & The Protestant Church Agreeing: Not all religions agree with each other, the previous caller said, unlike what the previous caller was saying.
2013-11-11 Dharma: Steve turned the tables around & asked Michael if the Dharma was a person who could respond back to him.
2013-11-11 Having a Kind Heart: Michael the Buddhist thinks that having a good heart is the important thing.
2013-11-11 Born Again in the Spirit: Caller wanted to point out that it's really possible to be truly born again (sort've commenting to a previous call to michael the Buddhist).
2013-11-11 Putting People Above Someone Else: We shouldn't put each other above another person. (can't understand the call.)
2013-11-08 No Works in the Night: What did Jesus mean by He wouldn't be able to work in the night? [John 9:4]
2013-11-08 God Loving Everybody: But does God love everybody, even sinners? [John 3:16]
2013-11-08 Not All God's Children: Caller was wondering if we are ALL God's children or not even if we are not believers? Does God love everyone, even non-believers? [John 8, 1 John , John 3:16]