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Date Topic Audio
2018-8-16 False Prophet, Anti-Christ & the Mark of the Beast: What is the significance of the false prophet, the anti-Christ & the mark of the beast?
2018-8-16 Biblical Interpretation of Psalm 45: Can you tell me how to understand that passage? [Psalms 45:6, Psalms 2, Psalms 45, Psalms 72, Psalms 110]
2018-8-16 Finding out your Spiritual Gifts: How do you find out your spiritual gift & how to use your talents for His purposes?
2018-8-16 Assurance of Conversion: How do you know that you are born again?
2018-8-16 The Beast of the Field & The Mark of Beast (Paul verses Saul): The beast of the field & mark of the beast, are they related? contrasting saul & paul.
2018-8-15 Catholic Catechism & Graven Images: Caller doesn't think Steve Gregg is right about catholic church leaving out graven images in the catechism. (followup from 8/13, 3rd Q)
2018-8-15 Existing in the First Place: If God knows we won't live for Him or if He knows everything we are going to do, then why would we exist at all?
2018-8-15 Doing God's Will: Can you give me some Scriptures that help us know what to do to live out the will of God? [1 Thessalonians 4:1]
2018-8-15 Jesus in the Koran: Is Jesus the same Person in the Bible as in the Koran? ?
2018-8-15 Protestant Bible & the Apocrypha: Why doesn't the protestant Bible have the Apocrypha?
2018-8-15 Couple Worshipping at Separate Churches: A husband & a wife not worshipping together, one preferring the catholic church & another one preferring Protestantism. i'd just like your thought on that.
2018-8-15 Not Worshipping Graven Images: Caller calls right back from the same show to clarify what the catechism says about graven images.
2018-8-15 Jesus Inaccurate about 12 Thrones: Was Jesus wrong about "the faithful sitting on the 12 thrones" because of Judas? [Matthew 19:28]
2018-8-15 Bible Translations: How come some verses in KJV of the Bible are not found in others?
2018-8-14 The New Covenant in Jeremiah: In Jeremiah, where it talks about the new covenant, where is the mention of the shed blood, where is anything that we know that the New Covenant consists of? [Jeremiah 31:31]
2018-8-14 Created to go to Hell: "Why would God create a population that would go to hell?", how do you answer this question to a person who is becoming an unbeliever?
2018-8-14 Obeying Civil Authority: If government is ordained by God and is supposed to be obeyed, how do we submit to it if it goes against God? [Romans 13]
2018-8-14 Sign of the Son of Man: What is the "sign of the son of man in heaven"? If it appears in Heaven, we will see it? [Matthew 24:30]
2018-8-14 Hearing the Voice of God in the Wind: I feel like I've heard the voice of God in a storm & am wondering if you have ever heard of that?
2018-8-14 Holy Spirit: At what point do we receive the Holy Spirit when we are saved? When will God remove His Spirit from us?
2018-8-14 Lost Faith: Caller feels he might be disqualified to getting back in the faith (a little bit disconnected)
2018-8-14 Being Born Again: If someone who is born again they can not sin, is that right? God doesn't change, so once someone has accepted Jesus, it's unchangeable, so someone can't loses their salvation, right? [1 John 3:9]
2018-8-13 Bible Teachers: Why do we need teachers if the Bible says we don't need them because we have the Holy Spirit? [1 John 2:27]
2018-8-13 Word of Faith: What do you think about Pentecostals/the Word of faith people saying that people will be healed, that it's a sure thing, & then they die? What about people receiving a prophetic word from God & being wrong & then being wrong about it?
2018-8-13 Ten Commandments Variations: What do you know about the 10 commandments of the Catholic church & the Protestants church? Why do they alter them?
2018-8-13 The Pilgrim's Progress: What is the theology of the Pilgrim's Progress? (Puritan, Calvinist viewpoint)
2018-8-13 Cross-Dressing & Homosexuals: Are homosexuals and cross-dressers going to hell? Does being attracted to the same sex automatically destine you to hell? [Deuteronomy 22:5]
2018-8-13 Teachers, False Teachers & the Holy Spirit: The previous call you had false teachers, that the Holy Spirit to teach us? Perhaps it's talking about False Prophets & Teachers such as Joseph Smith & Mohammed who say we need them in order to understand the Bible. [1 John 2:27]
2018-8-13 David's lips Being Opened & Groaning of the Holy Spirit: Why couldn't David asking for God to open his lips without God's help, what does that mean? & why is the Holy Spirit only groaning which can not be uttered, what is that? Seems like only sound to me & not words. [Psalms 51, Romans 8:28]
2018-8-13 Christian's Owning Guns: What do you think about Christians owning guns?
2018-8-13 Steve Gregg's Children: What caused your children going down the wrong path?
2018-8-13 Trinity: How do you put the Trinity doctrine together? [John 1:1] (audio cuts in & out very badly)
2018-8-10 Casting Your Cares upon the Lord: What does mean to cast your cares upon the Lord? What do you do about anxiety or panic attacks? [1 Peter 5:6-7, Philippians 4:6-7]
2018-8-10 Ex-Mormon Testimony: Ex-Mormon/LDS explaining why he left his Mormon "faith"
2018-8-10 Satan being loosed: When is Satan going to be loosed, what is the timeline for that? [Revelation 20:1, 7]
2018-8-10 The Brethren: What do you know about the Brethren movement?
2018-8-10 Future False Religions & Cults: Why didn't God have John specifically direct admonitions to Muslims and Mormon & Buddhists?
2018-8-10 Let Thy Will Be Done: We say in the Lord's Prayer, "let Thy will be done". How do we know things have actually been done in His will for the last 2,000 years?
2018-8-10 Oaths: What is the biblical view of oaths?
2018-8-10 People of Nod: Where did the people in the land of Nod come from? [Genesis 4:15-16]
2018-8-10 Age of Children Missionaries: Do you have any idea of the age children should be going on mission's trips w/ church groups?
2018-8-09 Jesus Going to the Lower Parts of the Earth: Jesus went to the "lower parts of the earth", so why did He go there? [Ephesians 4:8-10]
2018-8-09 Binding & Losing: Can you explain the Binding & Losing? [Matthew 16:19, 18:18]
2018-8-09 Prophets in the Church: According to Mormons, evangelicals have a loose idea of what belongs in the Bible.
2018-8-09 Thankful for the Narrow Path Ministry: Caller want to thank Steve for his ministry. (Audio not very good.)
2018-8-09 Suicide: Is suicide the unpardonable sin?
2018-8-09 The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant: Who was the debt of the servant that didn't forgive the own who owed him a little bit? [Matthew 18:21-35]
2018-8-09 LORD & Lord: LORD vs Lord, YHWH, Yahweh, Discuss about the Names of God, especially distinguishing all caps LORD & small caps, Lord.
2018-8-09 Jesus Going to Hell during Death: What about Jonah being the belly of whale. Caller thinks it's also talking about Abraham's Bosom.
2018-8-09 Culture & Women Leadership: Could what Paul said about women being in leadership just be a cultural issue at the time, but doesn't apply to us now?