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Date Topic Audio
2020-7-08 Judgment Because of Abortion: Do you think that we are suffering judgment because of our sinfulness and supporting abortion? [2 Kings 21].
2020-7-08 Baptism and Verse from Old Testament: Could one link these verses to baptism? [2 Kings 6:6, Job 26:5].
2020-7-08 Elijah's Return: Would you clarify why the appearance of Elijah on the mount of transfiguration isn't the fulfillment of prophecy, rather than John the Baptist? [Matthew 11:14, Matthew 17:10-12, Joel 2, Luke 1:17, Malachi 4:4-5].
2020-7-08 Remitting and Forgiving of Other's Sins: Could you talk about the verse about "the remitting of sins" or the forgiving of other's sins in John? [ John 20:23].
2020-7-08 Healing of a Blind Man: Why did Jesus have to touch the blind man's eyes again, for complete healing, and why did He take him out of the village? [Mark 8:34, John 21:25, Mark 8:23, John 9].
2020-7-07 Amillennialism & End Times: How does the Amillennial view and timeline fit into today's view of end times and Revelation? [Revelation 20, Hebrews 2:14, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2020-7-07 Personal Effects & Contacts Lost: Jim is sad that he's lost a lot of his personal papers because of Coronavirus, & would like people to please contact him who he used to have as contacts because he lost all those contacts & would like to have them again.
2020-7-07 Sabbath Day: Do we not have to set aside a Sabbath day for worship?
2020-7-07 The Ten Commandments Not for Christians Today: Did I misunderstand what you said about Christians today not having to obey the Ten Commandment? [I Corinthians 9:21].
2020-7-07 New American Standard Version of the Bible: Why do you think the translators of New American Standard version made it so difficult to read?
2020-7-07 Politics in Church: What do you think about pastors teaching about politics every Sunday in church?
2020-7-07 Finding Fellowship: Can you help me find a way to get connected and into a local fellowship?
2020-7-07 Binding of Satan and Deceived Nations: Could you help me understand how the binding of Satan can have already happened and be applicable today when the nations are still deceived? [Revelation 20:8, I John].
2020-7-07 Heaven or Heavens: Why do people say heavens, rather than heaven? [Genesis 1:1].
2020-7-07 Manasseh's Age: Was Manasseh actually a literal 12-year-old when he became king? [2 Kings 22].
2020-7-07 Ark of the Covenant: What is the status and location of the "Ark of the Covenant"? [Jeremiah 3:16].
2020-7-07 Jesus Emptied Himself: How did Jesus lay aside God's nature (Kenosis Theory) and still perform miracles and what does that mean for us today regarding miracles?[Philippians 2:5-7, Matthew 12:28, Luke 4:14, Acts 1:2, John 5:19, Matthew 24:36 ].
2020-7-07 Closer Proximity for Fellowship: Should our modern churches be more focused on getting families that are in close proximity into fellowship together?
2020-7-07 Koinonia, Church Fellowship: Could you comment on how important "Koinonia" is for the body of Christ?
2020-7-06 "Limited Negative" Example: Is the verse "Against you only have I sinned" an example of a "limited negative" [Psalm 51:4].
2020-7-06 David's Sin Against God: In this verse in Psalm 51:4, was David saying he had not sinned against anyone but God? [Psalm 51:4].
2020-7-06 Heaven When We Die: Why do people think we go to heaven when we die? [Psalm 37:29, Acts 2:29, John 3:13, Revelation 21:2].
2020-7-06 Three Definitions of Heaven and Hell: Do you have three definitions of heaven, as you do of heaven? [Genesis 1:1].
2020-7-06 Doctrine of Christ: What is the "doctrine of Christ"? [2 John 1:9-11].
2020-7-06 Greeting Those of False Religions: If a Mormon comes to our door, are we being instructed to not welcome or greet them? [2 John 1:9-11].
2020-7-06 Tribes of Israel: Would you talk about the tribes of Israel? [Genesis 49:13, Ezekiel 48, Isaiah 9:1-2].
2020-7-06 Tribulation & Trampled by Gentiles: Could you enlighten me about the time of tribulation, "trampled by the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles fulfilled"? [Matthew 24:21-23, Luke 21:23-24, Romans 11:25, Acts 1:7].
2020-7-06 The Bible-The Word of God: How do I respond to someone who wants to know where the Bible says that it is the word of God?
2020-7-06 Bible-The Word of God: Caller comments on verses about the Bible coming by the hand of God.
2020-7-06 Preference to Jews: Though God is not a racist, isn't He giving some preference to ethnic Jews in Revelation 12? [Revelation 12].
2020-7-06 Age of Jesus and Mary: Doesn't the traditional view of the age of 12 for Jesus in the temple and the age of Mary of 13, seem like nonsense to you?
2020-7-06 Sabbaths & Festivals: Is it really logical to in Romans and Colossians to assume that the Sabbath referred to is the weekly Sabbath? [Romans 13:1-7, Colossians 2:16 2].
2020-7-06 Not to Baptize, but to Preach: Could you comment on I Corinthians when Paul says he was not sent to baptize, but to preach the gospel? [I Corinthians 1:17, Acts 19, John 4].
2020-7-06 Creation of Adam & Eve: Could you clarify when Genesis talks about the creation of male & female, and later it again describes the creation of Eve? [Genesis 1-2]
2020-7-06 Soul Sleep: Is this verse in John a good argument against "soul sleep"? [John 8:56, Genesis 18:1].
2020-7-06 Nine Commandments for Christians: Are the other nine commandments important for Christian to keep? [Hebrews 8:13, I Corinthians 9:21, Revelation 14:12, Revelation 19:12].
2020-7-03 Character of God in Conflict with Old Testament: Can you help me with my struggle with some of the Old Testament passages that seem to conflict with the character of God? [Luke 24:25, John 5:46].
2020-7-03 Inerrancy of the Bible: How should we be view the claim that the Bible is inerrant? [I Corinthians, 2 Timothy 3:16].
2020-7-03 The Trinity: What list of things to believe would we make regarding the essentials of the faith and the "Trinity"? [I John 4:15].
2020-7-03 Completely Redeemed: Are we completely redeemed in Jesus? Or is our body still subject to this world? [I John 1:7-9, Romans 7:14-23, Romans 8:23].
2020-7-03 Caller Comment: Caller comments about a secret verse that he doesn't want to share. (Odd call).
2020-7-03 Jewish Temple Worship in the Future: Would you exegete a passage in Zechariah often thought to be about future temple worship? [Zechariah 14:16-17 Zechariah 14:2, Hebrews 12:22-23, Galatians 3:29, Galatians 4, I Corinthians 10:1-11, 2 Corinthians 5:1, 1 Corinthians 5:8, 2 Peter 1].
2020-7-03 Anticipating Inherited Deadly Condition: What would you advise regarding whether someone should test for Lou Gehrig's disease and learn if he is facing death, or should they just accept whatever happens?
2020-7-03 Characterizations of Calvinism: Do you agree with the suggestion that the Calvinist view and characterization of God, is like He intervenes to assist someone who is mentally ill and cannot make a decision?
2020-7-03 Wearing Masks with COVID-19 and Other Questionable Laws: Isn't it unnecessary and unadvisable for Christians to buck some of the laws we don't necessarily like, such as the Mask requirements, helmet wearing, non-smoking areas, etc.
2020-7-02 Drug Reactions & Violence: Comment about drugs inducing violent responses.
2020-7-02 Politics & the Pulpit: How much should politics be presented from the pulpit? [Ephesians 6:13].
2020-7-02 Mask Wearing for Coronavirus COVID-19: Should Christians wear the mask in obedience to the mandate regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
2020-7-02 Taking a Stand Against Government Overcontrol Do you think that we need to take a stand against inappropriate government interference and overcontrol in our lives?
2020-7-02 Helping & Supporting Israel: How do we know if we should really help the Israel of today, when they don't have the prophets anymore?