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Date Topic Audio
2023-7-24 Jesus Calling David "Father": Why did Jesus call David "Father?" [Matthew 1:1].
2023-7-24 Last Days (Latter Days) & End Times: Why are the terms "last days" and "end times" both used in Revelation? [1 Peter 1:20-21, Hebrews 1:1, 1 Corinthians 10:11, Hebrews 9:26, 1 John 2:18, James 5:23, Daniel 12:4 ].
2023-7-24 Evangelism & the Gospel: Could you talk about "the gospel" and a better overview of the "Kingdom of God: when evangelizing? Rec: Empire of the Risen Son (Vol 1 & 2). [Mark 1:14-15, Luke 17:20, Matthew 12:28, Exodus 19:5-6, 1 Samuel 8:7, Romans 4:13, Matthew 5:3-11, Matthew 16:24-26, Acts 5:30, Romans 10:9, Colossians 1:13, 1 Peter 2, Philippians 3:20, Psalm 2:7-12, Isaiah 42:4, 2 Corinthians 5:20, 1 Peter 2:11].
2023-7-24 The Sheep & the Goats: What are the views of the "Sheep & the Goats" and when does this judgment take place? Rec: Verse-by-verse on Matthew. [Matthew 25:31-46, Revelation 20].
2023-7-24 Humanity's Biological Connection to Jesus: What is the biological connection between Jesus and His father and humankind?
2023-7-24 Holy Spirit Guides to Truth: If the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, then why is there so much disagreement within the church? [John 16:13].
2023-7-21 "The Law" (Torah) & Law in Hearts: Could you talk about what seems like a contradiction about The Law in Romans 2? [Romans 2:13-14, Romans 2:17, James 1:21-25, Jeremiah 31:32, Romans 8:4, Michah 6:8, Galatians 6:2, James 2:8].
2023-7-21 Caller Thanks Steve: Caller thanks Steve for the ministry.
2023-7-21 "Mark of the Beast": With current events, it seems like the "Mark of the Beast" is being incrementally introduced, so we don't notice. Where do we draw the line? [Acts 5:29].
2023-7-21 Lazarus & the Rich Man: Would you be open to changing your view that the story of Lazarus & the Rich Man is a parable?
2023-7-21 The Number "12": What is the significance of the reoccurring number "12" in scripture? [Genesis 1:18].
2023-7-21 Women Apostles: Were there any women apostles? Are there women doing God's work? [Revelation 12:11, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Romans 16:7, Galatians 2, 2 Corinthians 8:23, Philippians 2:25, John 13:20, 1 Timothy 2, Acts 21:9].
2023-7-21 Greek Orthodoxy: Could you help me assess what seems to be better answers coming from Greek Orthodoxy? [Matthew 23:5-6, 2 Timothy 2:1-7].
2023-7-21 Prayer of a "Christian Energy Healer": Is a "Christian Energy Healer" compatible with the Bible? [Acts 19:13].
2023-7-21 Prayers by Non-believers: How do we know who is being prayed to, when someone prays for us?
2023-7-20 The Trinity: Having studied with Jehovah's Witnesses, could you convince me of the "Trinity?" Rec: Topical lecture Series; "Knowing God," "The Trinity." [Galatians 1:1, John 14:18].
2023-7-20 Hearing God's Voice ("God Told Me"): How should we handle those that say "God told me" to do this or that?
2023-7-20 Earth Age Before This One (Gap Theory): What do you think about an earth age before this one, and one in the future? [Genesis 1:1, Exodus 20:8-11, Malachi 1:2-3].
2023-7-20 Antisemitism of Churches: Why did the Lutheran and Catholic church not do anything when Hitler was exercising his antisemitism? Were they antisemitic also?
2023-7-20 Coptic & Eastern Orthodox Church: Are the Coptic and Eastern Orthodox churches the same? Please elaborate.
2023-7-20 Recognizing Others in Hades, the Lake of Fire, or Heaven: Will we recognize one another in Heaven and the other place? [Luke 16:19-31, 1 Corinthians 13:10].
2023-7-20 "Be Perfect": Are we being told that we should be in pursuit of perfection during our lifetimes? [Matthew 5:44-48, 2 Corinthians 4:16, Matthew 5:45, Luke 6:32-36, Matthew 5:43-44, Luke 6:28-30].
2023-7-20 Organ Donor: Is there anything in scripture about being an organ donor?
2023-7-20 Wiring Canadian Donations to The Narrow Path: Questions about wiring and donating to "The Narrow Path" from Canada.
2023-7-20 More Fully Defining "Salvation": What were you saying about "salvation" not being what some think? [Luke 19:10, Titus 2:14].
2023-7-19 Dichotomy or Trichotomy (Body, Soul, Spirit): What is your take on the body, soul, and spirit (dichotomy or trichotomy)? [Hebrews 4:12, 2 Corinthians 4:16, 2 Thessalonians 5:23, 1 Corinthians 14:14, Matthew 26:40-43].
2023-7-19 Whistling-Introduction to "The Narrow Path" Radio Show: Is that you that is doing the whistling at the beginning of the show? The musician writer/whistler is Jon Marr
2023-7-19 Encouragement to Someone Struggling: Caller encourages a previous call struggling with alcohol. [Luke 4:13, James 4:7, 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, Genesis 32:22-32].
2023-7-19 "Worldwide Church of God" (Denomination) & Defining Cults: Caller shares his view of the denomination "Worldwide Church of God." "Cult" is also defined.
2023-7-19 Antisemitism of Hitler: How did Hitler become so antisemitic and why didn't the Catholic or Lutheran church do anything about it?
2023-7-19 Deceiving the "Elect": What does Matthew mean when he says even "the elect" could be deceived? [Matthew 24:24, Ephesians 6:14].
2023-7-19 Pagan Idols, Statues & Demons: Could you comment on the contradiction that in the Old Testament, idols are described as demons and also as nothing but the materials of which they are made? [Isaiah 46, 1 Corinthians 8-10, Romans 14, Isaiah 57:13, 2 Thessalonians 2:11, 1 John 4:4].
2023-7-19 Loss of a Disabled Child & God's Character: How can we be assured of the salvation of a child with disabilities, who has died, and was not baptized as an adult? [Mark 10:14-16, Romans 1:18, John 3:19, Ezekiel 33:11, Ezekiel 18:23].
2023-7-19 Vasectomy (Birth Control): Is there anything in scripture about the morality of a vasectomy, as I am troubled by having had one?
2023-7-18 Dual Fulfillment Prophecy: Could you shed some light on dual fulfillment prophecies and how we would identify them? [Isaiah 7, 2 Samuel 7, Matthew 1].
2023-7-18 Lying for a Good Cause: Could you comment on the examples in scripture of people lying for good? [Matthew 23:23, John 7:8-10].
2023-7-18 Did Mary Know?: Did Mary know that Jesus was the Messiah, or was she unsure? [Mark 3:20-21, Mark 3:31].
2023-7-18 Satan Fell Like Lightning: What do you think about my thoughts about Satan "fell like lightning?" [Revelation 12:10, Luke 10:18, John 12:31].
2023-7-18 Required-Water Baptism: Do you think that water baptism is required? was it actually water baptism or just spiritual baptism in Acts 2? Rec: topical lectures "Foundations." [Ezekiel 36:26, Ezekiel 11:14-21, Acts 2:38, Acts 10:44-48].
2023-7-18 Why Has Thou Forsaken Me?: Why do you think that Jesus cried out "My God, my God, why has Thou forsaken me?" [Psalm 22:1, Mark 15:34, Matthew 27:46].
2023-7-18 Jehovah Witnesses: What book (Emphatic Diaglott/ Greek/ English Interlinear) were you referring to when you talked about witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses?
2023-7-18 Contradiction: How is it possible that a son was born before his father was born? [2 Chronicles 22:2, 2 Kings 8:25-26].
2023-7-17 "Sound of Freedom" Movie (Criticism) What do you think about the criticism of the movie, "Sound of Freedom?"
2023-7-17 Baptism & Regeneration: Why don't evangelicals see baptism as part of regeneration?
2023-7-17 Endless Genealogies: What does "endless genealogies" mean? [1 Timothy 1:4].
2023-7-17 Succumbing to Alcohol: What can I do if I continue to struggle with alcohol? I am losing faith. Rec: Topical lecture; "Biblical Counsel for a Change" and Free audio book, "Empire of the Risen Son (Vol 1 & 2).
2023-7-17 In Vitro Fertilization What is your take on in vitro fertilization?
2023-7-17 Parable of the Two Sons: Which of the two sons did the will of the Father? [Matthew 21:28-31].
2023-7-17 Leaving Behind Sin: Is it correct to think, as Spurgeon seems to be saying, that when we are converted, we have to give up our life of sin? But don't we all sin from time to time? [Luke 14:33, 1 Corinthians 6:20].
2023-7-17 Needing Assurance of Salvation: Some were assured of their salvation, but He says He never knew them. Can you help me with my struggle for assurance? Rec: Topical lecture; "How Can I Know That I am Really Saved?" [Matthew 7:21-23].