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Date Topic Audio
2015-3-11 Conservative & Liberal Christians: Caller has trouble w/ both Conservative & Liberal Christians, because conservative tend to be legalistic, while liberal Christians, anything goes.
2015-3-11 Inspiration of Scripture: What exactly does "inspiration", "inspired" mean when we are referring to the Holy Scriptures? [2 Timothy 3:16]
2015-3-11 "Refuse To Be Offended": Where can that lecture be found on the Narrow Path Website?
2015-3-11 Tithing: Caller thinks the onus is on Steve Gregg to show where it says we don't need to tithe. [Revelation 22:18-19]
2015-3-11 Parables, Grain of Seed & Leaven: Most people consider these parables with a negative connotation, but caller has an issue with it because it's talking about the Kingdom of God. [luke 13:18-21]
2015-3-11 Building Altars to Worship God: What about building little altars to worship God, extracting stuff from Old Testament stories?
2015-3-11 Laws that we keep & don't keep: How do we know what laws to keep or not, from the Old Testament? The 10 commandments we hold to, right?
2015-3-09 Young Earth Creationism: They have a new teacher in a Christian school that is a Theistic Evolutionist, & caller has been leering about old earth & just wondering why Steve doesn't believe it. "Days" has meaning different meanings, he's learned.
2015-3-09 Recreation in Heaven: Will there be recreation on the other side of glory? Is recreation acceptable here on earth for that matter?
2015-3-09 Christ 2nd Coming: Jesus will come on the Feast of Tabernacles.
2015-3-09 Lewis Sperry Chafer: Caller reads a quote from Lewis Sperry Chafer & wondering what Steve's thoughts are on it, about works & Calvinism.
2015-3-09 Michael the Buddhist: Michael wants to avoid pain, but the thing we need to get away from is sin, so he needs to change his entire belief structure.
2015-3-09 New Earth in place of Heaven: Caller would rather be in Heaven worshipping God rather than coming back down to this earth.
2015-3-09 Demons Crying Out: How did they have the authority to beg Jesus not to torment them? [Mark 5:7]
2015-3-09 Putting out Fleeces: What is Steve's view about putting out fleeces?
2015-3-09 Demon Possessed People: In today's day & age, people who are crazy you might think are demon possessed but aren't, but in the Bible it seemed to be the norm that they were.
2015-3-06 Catholic Church the only way: Anyone who is not under the umbrella of the pope or in the Catholic church are not saved, caller's Catholic friend says.
2015-3-06 Sola Scriptura: What does Sola Scriptura mean, a Catholic asks a Protestant, because all the problems, divisions that the Protestants are having stems from that.
2015-3-06 Judging the 12 Tribes of Israel: After the regeneration, the 12 apostles will be judging the 12 tribes of Israel…..making a distinction between the Jews & Gentiles? [Matthew 19:28]
2015-3-06 Manasseh killed Isaiah: Is it true Manasseh killed Isaiah? [Isaiah 9:21, 2 Chronicles 33:13]
2015-3-06 Not Loving Jesus Most: Where is it in the Bible where Jesus says if people love their mother or father more than Him, they are not worthy of Him? [Matthew 10:34-38]
2015-3-06 The Book of Nehemiah & Joy: How do you apply "the Joy of Lord is my strength", we get strength from His joy? [Nehemiah 8:10]
2015-3-06 Anabaptists: Is it true there were people who disagreed with the Catholic Church before Martin Luther, such as the Anabaptists?
2015-3-06 Generational Curse: Do we inherit sinful patterns from past generations unless we break away from it?
2015-3-06 Jesus being in the Heart of the Earth: Caller wants to give a view about Matthew 12:39-40. Literal 3 days & 3 nights Jesus being in the tomb discussion. [Matthew 12:39-40]
2015-3-06 Revelation of God Through Dreams: Decision Making & the Will of God by Friesen, if it isn't expressly commanded in Scripture or forbidden by Scripture, you can't make a wrong decision.
2015-3-05 Calvinism: Would it be unjust for God to make a group of people who had no possibility of salvation, & throw them in hell? Isn't that the same think as you saying that God just created the devil to be a tempter & then God punish him for it? Isn't that the exact same thing?
2015-3-05 "You are gods": What does it mean in Psalm 82:6 "you are gods"? [Psalm 82:6, John 10:24-26]
2015-3-05 Jesus as the Son of God: Is this why the Jews were so offended when Jesus called Himself the "Son of God", they knew Psalms 82 was just poetic language calling people gods? Why did Jesus call Himself the Son of Man? He got that from Daniel 7:12, right? [Daniel 7:12]
2015-3-05 Jesus as the Son of Man: But what about Ezekiel even being called that more than Jesus?
2015-3-05 Dispensationalism: So John Darby's main thing was to convince people that the church & Israel were 2 separate things, is that right?
2015-3-05 Steve's view of Eschatology: So is Steve's view of the last days (eschatology) a mixture of several view points, & what verses does he use?
2015-3-05 "You are gods": "You are God's" in the possessive sense, is that possible? [Psalm 82:6]
2015-3-05 A good commentary: Do you know of good commentaries that you'd recommend?
2015-3-05 Hebrew language & Ezekiel: Caller wants to continue talking about the discussion of "gods" & "man", he just wanted to confirm that Steve was right.
2015-3-05 "You are gods": Another caller wanted to opine about "you are gods". [Psalm 82:6, John 10:24-26]
2015-3-05 Understanding Truth: Sayings in one language & cultures would not be understood in other languages & cultures.
2015-3-05 Sabbath: Since the Sabbath is mentioned in the 10 commandments, doesn't that make it above the ceremonial sabbaths? [Exodus 20:8-11]
2015-3-04 Bankruptcy: Does Steve have any thoughts on the Biblical perspective of Bankruptcy?
2015-3-04 Mark of the Beast & Sunday Keeping: I need some Scripture to refute that anyone who does not keep the Sabbath will be receiving the Mark of the Beast & won't go to Heaven. [Colossians 2:16-17, Romans 14:5-6]
2015-3-04 Aaron & Hur holding up Moses Arms: Is there a reason that Aaron & Hur were the ones that held Moses' arms up, were they the only ones qualified? [Exodus 17:12-14]
2015-3-04 Inspired & Authorized: How do you use the words Inspired & Authority?
2015-3-04 Humility: Does God expect us to grovel towards Him? [Matthew 15:22-28, John 21:15-17 Philippians 3:4]
2015-3-04 Ministry Workers having 9-5 Jobs: So do you people who work in the ministry have to have separate jobs?
2015-3-03 Lucifer being the Satan (or not): Caller has always been under the impression that Satan was the fallen angel Lucifer, had never heard of another view, until he heard Steve talking about it. [Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 12:3-9, Luke 10:18]
2015-3-03 Homosexuality: Are we supposed to love the sinner but hate the sin, but treat them with absolute respect & let them have their rights? [1 john 4:20]
2015-3-03 Dispute with sibling about Inheritance: Caller is having a dispute with his sister & wondering how to resolve it. [Luke 12:13-15]
2015-3-03 Pets going Heaven: Do pets go to heaven? But what about Ecclesiastes 3:21? If they do go to heaven, what do they do to go there, to get there? [Ecclesiastes 3:21]
2015-3-03 Pets in Heaven: Dogs incessantly barking in heaven, so it wouldn't be heaven, having to hear them!
2015-3-03 Women out living men: Women tend to live out men, so how about when the men were living to be 800 or 900 years old?