Abraham, Isaac & Jacob:What is the 7-fold Blessing to Abraham & where can you find it? The Promise of Abraham's Seed was promised to him the number of the Stars & the Sand of the sea, to Isaac only the Stars & to Jacob only the Sand, was there a significance to omitting both to Jacob & Isaac? [Genesis 12:1-3]
Biblical Definition of Faith:What is the Biblical definition of Faith? I'm aware of it says in Hebrews 11, but WHAT is it, so you know you aren't following the Word of Faith mentality? [Hebrews 11:1]
Qualifications for an Elder:Caller is responding to a caller that was concerned about the response of a Pastor, & wants to point out how he probably wasn't following the protocol of being an elder. [1 Timothy 5:19, Titus 1:6, 1 Peter 5:1-4]
Blood Moons, Shmita, the Jubilee:Does Steve give any credence to the Jewish Feasts, the Jubilee, the Shmita, the Blood Moons, that the economy is going to collapse in September 2015? Can we consider them "markers" that we are in the end of the world?
Islam/Muslims:Calle had a friend who said he would never eat w/ a Muslim if invited by one. Caller wants to know if Steve has ever heard of Christians taking a stance like that? He'd invite them into his house to eat, but he'd never go w/ them.
Church Growth in Dark Ages:How was the church growing in the Dark Ages during the monopoly the Catholic Church had on the Bible, on the Truth? [Matthew 13:31-32]
Materialism:Western Society seems to have lost their way, the husband & the wife both working, undermining the family by being taught by schools & daycares, ignoring Christianity.
Jesus Doing Away w/ the 10 Commandments:Jesus didn't do away w/ the 10 Commandments, but as a matter of fact, ENHANCED them, made adultery even MORE than just the act.
The Bible Just a Nice Set of Stories:How do you deal w/ someone who claims to be a Christian, but thinks the Bible is just a book of made up stories, & how would you share w/ them that they are wrong?
Understanding Revelation:Caller wants to know why all these wicked people are going to be outside the gate when we are in Heaven? [Revelation 22:14-15]
Pastors Not Following Bible:Pastors not going according to the Bible, but anything goes, for the most part, & the pastor didn't like being criticized about it. Shouldn't he be concerned w/ what he taught on Judgment Day? [James 3:1]
Kingdom Taken From the Jews:Why was the Kingdom of God taken from the Jews, because they were not experiencing Justice, Peace & Joy? [Matthew 21:43, Romans 14:17]
Predestination:Caller wants to why so people are so confused about the word of Predestination. There's a difference between being "saved" & being "called according to His purpose". Romans 8:28-29
Age of the Earth, Prehistoric Age:The Age of the Stars & other things don't seem to match up w/ the Creation Account, so how do we deal w/ that? [Genesis 1 & 2, Romans 1:19-20]
Christians who are in Sin:How do we deal in a Christ-like matter those who claim Christianity but who are living in sin? [Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18:15-20]
Bible Authority, Biblical Interpretation:You need to use Biblical Hermeneutics or exegetical method of interpreting the Bible, a followup from Tom the Catholic.
Promises to the Jews fulfilled:Did you say that all the Promises of God to the Jews have been fulfilled? What about the 7 year period right before He comes back?
Races Starting at Tower of Babel:Caller responding to the caller of the previous show talking about races. He wants to know, what about at the Tower of Babel?
Church Membership:Pastor thinks that if they are going to participate in leadership roles of groups of missions, that they need actually join the church membership, & to do this, they want these people to go through a 2 month membership course instead of going to the regular church service.
New Apostolic Reformation & Spiritual Mapping:What can Steve say about the YWAM (Youth With A Mission) & the New Apostolic Reformation, because they linked YWAM w/ them, and wondering about Spiritual Mapping.
God of the OT in contrast w/ Jesus of the NT:People think there's a complete contrast between the God of the OT & the God of the NT, having character trait differences.
Adam - Father of all Mankind:Are Adam & Eve really the first parents of the human race, or did God create humans before them, & THEN Adam? [Romans 5:12-21, Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2]
Creation being Millions of Years:She thinks there was a destruction of the "earth" before God created it again during the creation. She gives a litany of Bible references but they turn out to not be the ones she intended.