Numerology:Calculating numbers, such as the number of the beast in Revelation 13? How did the wise men calculate where & when Jesus would be born? [Revelation 13:18, Matthew 2:1-2]
Calling on the Name of the Lord:Confessing that the Lord is God, Adonai, Lord, Yahweh, so when it says calling upon the name of the Lord, that just means ackowleding that Jesus is Lord. What does Steve think? [Romans 10:9 & 13; Joel 2]
Crying out to Jesus in simple Prayer:Where's the scriptural foundation that you can just make a simple prayer such as, "Jesus, help me?" [Joel 3:32, Romans 10:13]
The "Birther" Issue:The caller, as an African American himself, agrees with Steve's answers of a previous caller about the birther issue, that it has nothing to do with race.
70 Weeks of Daniel:Is the 70th week over, & did the sacrificial system end in the middle of the 70th week, & is the Prince Jesus Christ? [Daniel 9:20-27]
Seventh Day Adventism:Can you tell me what all this means, 1844 judgment, EGW (Ellen G. White)? Are they a cult? I'm asking all these questions because i was listening to a Steve Bohr.
Apostasy:Caller never really had a chance to learn about Christ in his childhood being raised a Catholic, & he lived a past life of sin & was wondering if he can return to Christ? [Hebrews 6:4-6]
A Season for Everything:There's a time & season for everything that happens. Caller is concerned about murder. [Ecclesiastes 3] (Caller is all over the map of what he's trying to say, but anyway.)
Grace & Restitution:A pastor told the caller that all they have to do is just accept Jesus, & just get up & start walking again. What about restitution?
Fallen Angels, No Sin in Heaven & God Creating Us:How were the angels able to Fall when they were in heaven, & how do we know we aren't going to sin when we get to heaven & why didn't God make us like we are going to be in heaven, never sinning again? [Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4]
The New Earth & Leaves for the Healing of Nations:Why will we need the leaves for the healing of the nations if everything is going to be perfect? [Revelation 22:2]
Homosexuality & Abraham Lincoln:Abraham had a witness on the stand, & he asked him, "If we say that a cow's tail is leg, how many legs does he have?" & the witness says, "5", & he says, "He has 4 legs & a tail. Calling a tail a leg does not make it a leg!"
Baptism: A friend of the caller has become a Christian after having been baptized as an infant, but doesn't believe baptism is necessary for salvation.
Spiritual Warfare: Caller has friends dealing with anxiety, depression & other mental issues. Does Gregg have any lectures that deals with this kind've thing?
Kingdom of God "at this time":"…at this time...", when did that mean? He didn't directly answer them, so it seems He didn't necessarily agree w/ what they were asking. [Acts 1:6]
Resurrection & Adan & Jesus' Atonement::the 1st Adam & the last Adam, was Adam created in flesh & blood & was the coming of Christ THE plan or was it Plan B? [1 Corinthians 15]
The 4 Hebrews of Daniel:what caused Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego to be in captivity in the first place? Is it related to Nehemiah when he was restoring the wall? Who was the remnant he was talking about?
Jesus only Sinless Person Born:Was Jesus the only sinless Person born? What about infants who don't know they are sinning even though they are? What about "age of accountability"? [Romans 3:23, Hebrews 4:15]
Restoration of Israel:Caller disagrees with Steve about the Kingdom of God being restored right now, but that it's talking about ethnic Israel in the future. [Acts 1:6]
Michael the Archangel & Satan Disputing:Is it POSSIBLE that instead of disputing over Moses specifically they are disputing over Israel? [Jude 9, 1 Corinthians 10:2]