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Date Topic Audio
2016-7-21 Tithing: So you don't think tithing is any longer biblical?
2016-7-21 Meaning of a Passage in Isaiah: Can you please give some insight into this passage of Scripture in Isaiah? [Isaiah 8:18-20]
2016-7-20 Ignatius' & Calvinism: There's a discussion going on that there was no Calvinism before Augustine & none of the church fathers did, but Calvinists try to say that Ignatius' writings indicated that he did.
2016-7-20 Baptism Essential for Salvation: You HAVE to be baptized in order to obtain eternal life, is this true? [Mark 16:16, John 3:5]
2016-7-20 Baptism Symbolic: I thought Baptism was just symbolic? Yeah, we need to obey, but I thought it was just symbolic? Do I need to get baptized again?
2016-7-20 Gates of Hell not Prevailing Against the Church: The gates of hell shall not prevail against the church, so the catholic church thinks this applies to them because they been around since the apostles time & the Protestant Church hasn't, they say. What do you think about this?
2016-7-20 Re-baptism: Should I get re-baptized? Presbyterianism seems to think that'd be rejecting your original baptism & denying Jesus' blood?
2016-7-20 Elder Quaiications & Accountable to Who?: Qalifications for being elder, who are they accountable to? [1 Timothy 3, 1 Timothy 5:22-25]
2016-7-19 70 AD or the Second Coming of Jesus: Is Matthew 24:14 referring to 70 AD or or the end of the world, Jesus second coming? [Matthew 24:14, Colossians 1:6]
2016-7-19 Steve Gregg's Spiritual Life: What is Steve's spiritual life like? To whom does he pray? [1 John 1:6-7]
2016-7-19 God's Foreknowledge & Predestination: Can you talk about God's foreknowledge & who He predestinated, & do you have any lectures that speak on the issue? (recommends, "God's Soveriegnty & Man's Salvation".) [Romans 8:28-29]
2016-7-19 Full Preterism Heretical: Do you consider the hyper-preterist (full preterism) view heretical?
2016-7-19 Christian Band Music: Are you familiar with the Band from the 70s by the name of “Free Fair" (Fare?)?
2016-7-18 Reptence & It's Importance to Salvation: what is repentance & how essential is it to salvation? (A lot of techinical issues throughout this show.)
2016-7-18 King James Version of the Bible, but older Texts: So there are older texts that were discovered after the King James Version of the Bible was written?
2016-7-18 Bart Ehrman & Daniel Wallace Questioning the Christian Faith: Have you heard the debates Bart Ehrman/Daniel Wallace had, questioning the Christian faith & how valid they are?
2016-7-18 The Catholic Church, the Pope Succession, & other Apostles: When did the Catholic Church start saying that Peter was the first pope, & that he had successors of popes after? Do they have successors for the other apostles?
2016-7-18 The Lost Sheep of Israel: What did Jesus mean by "the lost sheep of Israel"? [Matthew 15:24]
2016-7-15 Sinful Acts & Holy Acts: Can you tell me aboout sin, sinful behavior & actions, compromise of one’s commitment & personal holiness?
2016-7-15 Repentant for Sin: HGow do i deal with sinning every day, repeating the same behavior, even after i have conviction about it?
2016-7-15 Satan Reading our Mind: Does Satan know our inner thoughts?
2016-7-15 Soul, Spirit & the Heart: Are the Soul, Spirit & Heart all the same?
2016-7-15 Jesus not Healing Everybody: How come Jesus didn't heal everyone that He saw when He was here? Isn't Calvinism parallel to that, only selecting some to heal, some to save?
2016-7-15 Original Sin, Sinful Nature & Universalism: Caller has been listaening to a person who doesn't believe in original sin & that universalism is false, but that some people who follow Christ don't have a sinful nature. What does Steve think? [Romans 5:12-21]
2016-7-15 Numeric Symbolism (390 & 40 Years): What do the 390 & 40 years, for a total of 430 years mean? What is the symbolism of laying on the left side & right sides? [Ezekiel 4:1-6]
2016-7-15 Bound on Earth, Bound in Heaven: What is meant by what Jesus said about what His disciples about what is bound on earth will be obound in heaven, & what is loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven>
2016-7-15 Questioning the Traditional View of Hell: I've read your book on "all you want to know about hell, 3 Christian views" & am an annhilationist myself, but what is your official viewf? Revelation 20:14]
2016-7-14 Doubting the Inerrancy of Scripture: Can a person who doubts the inerrancy of Scripture be a true Christian?
2016-7-14 Martin Luther & Once Saved Always Saved: Martin Luther didn't believe once saved always saved, though it would be hard to lose your salvation.
2016-7-14 Mother Concerned about God not being for Him: Mother concerned about her son’s confusion & feeling like God is not for him. [Romans 8:31, 1 John 4:9]
2016-7-14 Soul That Sinneth, It Shall Die: The soul that sinneth, it shall die, Eccles 9:5, the dead know not anything. [Ezekiel 18:4 & 28, Ecclesiastes 9:5]
2016-7-14 Jesus Speaking in Parables: Why would Jesus play what appears to be mind games w/ those listening speaking in parables?
2016-7-14 The Kingdom of God: Caller likes your lecture about the kingdom of God.(Recommend a book called, "Emperor of a Risen Son", about the Kingdom of God.)
2016-7-14 Adam as Ancient of Days: Caller has been witnessing to Mormons/LDS's & they think that Adam was Ancient of Days? [Daniel 7:9-22]
2016-7-14 Calvinism & Arminianism: What is the difference between calvinism & arminianism?
2016-7-14 Different or Same Judgment: Are we talking the same or different judgments here? [Matthew 7, Matthew 28]
2016-7-14 Restoration of all things by John the Baptist: Was John the Baptist the fulfillment of Elijah, & what did he mean by the restoration of all things? [Malachi 4:5-6]
2016-7-13 Flat Earth Advocate: Caller wanted to call to balance comment about a Flat Earth, advocating a Flat Earth, saying that Steve needs to listen to Eric Dubay & all his proofs.
2016-7-13 Lot Giving over His Daughters: Caller thinks it's abhorrent about Lot’s bad behavior of giving his daughters to be used by strangers. [Genesis 19:8]
2016-7-13 Studying the Bible for Yourself: You talked the other day about studying the Bible for yuorself, self-study, but do you have any suggestions on how i should go about that?
2016-7-13 The Called, Chosen & the Faithful: Is the verse that says, "they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful", 3 different groups because what about the verse, “many are called, but few are chosen” [Revelation 17:14, Matthew 22:14]
2016-7-13 The More You Learn the More you don't know: Trying to learn what the scripture means, the more you learn the more you realize you don't know!
2016-7-13 Good Manners being Taught in the Bible: We teach our children to say please, how come the Bible doesn't teach us to do itgoo or other good manners?
2016-7-13 "Christianity Today" Magazine: "Christianity Today" magazine, have they gone liberal?
2016-7-13 Once Sealed, Always Sealed: When someone is saved, are they permanently sealed?
2016-7-12 Confessing Sin & No More Sacrifice for Sin: Caller thinks that 2 verses seem to be in conflict with each other involving sin, being able to confess our sins & having no more sacrifice for sins. [1 John 1:9, Hebrews 10:26]
2016-7-12 Distinction between Soul & Spirit: Is there a difference between the soul & the spirit? (Trichotomist vs Dichotomist)
2016-7-12 Stopping the Sacrificial System: What caused the cessation of them? How do the Jews atone for the sins nowadays?
2016-7-12 Animals, humans, souls & spirits: Is it possible that animals only have body & soul but no spirit like us humans?
2016-7-12 Stripes & Beatings for Believer or Unbeliever: Are the stripes for both the Christian and the non-believer or just the Christians? [Luke 12:35-40, 1 Peter 2:9, 1 Peter 10, Isaiah 40, Isaiah 10]