Bringing Out the Best in Yourself:Is the Landmark Forum Education program about "bringing out the best in your self" align with Christianity? [I Corinthians 6:11, Luke 9:23].
Antichrist Developed by Monk:What monk was it that you referred to about trying to come up with information about the antichrist? (Francisco Ribera). [1 John 2:18, Daniel 8, Revelation 13, 2 Thessalonians 2].
Healing Promised to Christians:It appears as though there is a promise about guaranteed healing that doesn't seem to work out as indicated-are we missing something? [James 5:14-15, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Galatians 4:13, I Timothy 5:23, 2 Timothy 4:20, Philippians 2:27].
Sadducees & Pharisees & the Resurrection:Did the Sadducees and Pharisees turn parts of Zechariah into a fable about the resurrection? [Daniel 12:2, Acts 23:6, Matthew 22:32].
Are the Dead Immediately with the Lord Upon Death:Where is your deceased wife? [2 Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1, I Corinthians 15, I Thessalonians 4:15].
Clarification on Salvation for the Muslim:Caller makes some observations about the Muslim (Islam) faith and asks for Steve's clarification about salvation for the those in Islam.
Cults & Not Wanting to Submit:Could you comment on the last verse in Judges that says they didn't have a king and did what they wanted to do, and its relationship to cults? [Judges 21:25].
Revelation About the Future Rather than AD 70:Why do you suppose that so many people think that the book of Revelation is about the future, rather than AD 70?
Forgiving & Forgiving Oneself:Is the reference to the necessity of being forgiving or God won't forgive us, apply also to "forgiving oneself"? [Matthew 6:14-15].
Drugs, Occult, & Old Testament Prohibition:Where would I find Old Testament Law about prohibiting drugs and occult potions? [Galatians 5:20, Deuteronomy18:10, Hosea 4:11, Proverbs 4:23, Matthew 15:18].
Meanings of Words in Old Testament Opposed to Modern Meanings (Pharmacia/ Pharmacy):Do you agree with D.A. Carson, in his book, "Exegetical Fallacies", that there is misinterpretation of some words as they are used in the Old Testament and how they are used today?
Paul's Travelogue for Our Instruction:What are we supposed to learn from Paul's travelogue in Acts 27, especially in light of the verse that all scripture is for our instruction? [Acts 27, 2 Timothy 3:15-16].
Cursing Those That Teach Others to Fly:Steve revises his answer on a call from the day before about there being no verse about "cursing people who teach others to fly", where he indicated there was no such verse. [Ezekiel 13:20].
Evidence that Christianity is Not True:Is it not evidence that Christianity is not true since there are those that wish to feel something from the Holy Spirit and they don't? [James 1:7 Matthew 8:26].
The Resurrection isn't a Historical Fact, it's a Supernatural claim:Caller says that the resurrection isn't a historical fact, and doesn't it require more evidence to claim the supernatural?
Samaritan Pentateuch & Evidence for Faith:Caller suggest Haley's handbook for information about the Samaritan's Pentateuch and responds to previous caller who is doubting his faith.
Suffering Guilt, Temptation, and Failure to Follow Christ in Reality:Could you help me understand the concept of "dying to myself & Christ living in me" when I don't really do or obey as I should. [Galatians 2:20].
God's Promise to Heal the Land:How applicable is the verse in Chronicles about God's people humbling themselves and His healing the land to us today? [2 Chronicles 7:14].
When Will You Restore the Kingdom?:What is your take on when the disciples asked about when Jesus would "restore the kingdom"? [Acts 1:6-7, John 16:12-13].
The Elect in Christ:Is it biblical to view that Christ is the elect one, and we are "in Him", therefore also elect? [John 15:6, Ephesians 1:4, I John 5:12].
Increasing One's Bible Knowledge:If I wanted to dramatically increase my knowledge of the Bible, what plan of study would you recommend? [Psalm 1:2-3].
Other Religions Who Have Jesus in Their Faith:What is God gonna do about the religions and cults who have Jesus in their religions, but ignorantly don't have the same theology as we do? [Matthew 11:28-30, Matthew 16:17, 2 Peter 3:18].
Times When Masturbation is Not Sinful:Are there situations where masturbation is not considered as a sin, like a military couple separated for a long period? [Psalm 103:14].
Homosexuality, Addiction, Abuse:Caller is attempting to come out of a lifestyle of homosexuality and addiction, having suffered abuse is looking for counsel.[Ephesians 6:12, I Peter 5:8-9, Matthew 16:24-26].