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Date Topic Audio
2022-3-17 AA (Alcoholic Anonymous): Caller comments on the value of Alcoholic Anonymous.
2022-3-17 No Remarriage Allowed: Is it true that one must not remarry until their former spouse dies, even if they had grounds and/or have been divorced? [Matthew 19:9, Matthew 5:32].
2022-3-17 "One Hour" & "One Day" in Scripture: Are the uses of one hour, or one day, in scripture, always literal? [Revelation 18:8].
2022-3-17 1000 years: Are there any places in scripture where the 1000 years is actually, literally 1000 years? [Revelation 20, Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8].
2022-3-17 Scripture Taken Out of Context: Do you think you took scripture out of context when referring to Romans 7 and it application to living the Christian life? [Revelation 3:20, Romans 7, Romans 8:1-4, Galatians 5:16-17, Romans 8:23, Romans 7:23-25, Romans 7:14, Romans 7:17, Romans 7:20].
2022-3-17 Unbeliever's Resurrected Bodies: What kind of bodies will the resurrected unbelievers have on judgment day? [Revelation 20, Matthew 7:21].
2022-3-17 Finding a Good Spouse: Caller comments that good marriage partners require not only compatibility, but endurability and having a life calling. [Psalm 15:4].
2022-3-17 "Inhabits Praises": What does it mean "inhabits the praises of Israel"? [Psalm 22:3].
2022-3-17 "New Wine" in "Old Wine Skins" & "New Cloth in Old Garment": What is meant by Jesus' answer in the second part about "new wine in old wine skins" and "new cloth in old garment"? [Mark 2:21-22, Matthew 9:17].
2022-3-16 Current Political Event-Zelenskyy & Ukraine: Do you think that Zelenskyy is a prophetic voice from God in this current situation with Ukraine and Russia?
2022-3-16 Walking in the Spirit: Do you think that "walking in the Spirit" is more practical, rather than solely mystical? Recommends "Empire of the Risen Son-Vol 2" {Romans 8:14].
2022-3-16 God's Blessing and Intercession for Unbelievers: Does God both bless and intercede for unbelievers, or just believers? [Matthew 5:45, Hebrews 4:15, James 1:17, Romans 2:4].
2022-3-16 Moses Not Allowed to Enter the Promised Land: Is there spiritual ramification we should draw from Moses being able to see the promised land, but was not allowed to enter it?
2022-3-16 Evangelism's Alternate to the "Sinner's Prayer": What do you suggest, rather than using the "Sinner's Prayer" as an alternate when evangelizing? [Romans 10:9, Ephesians 1:13, Matthew 7:21].
2022-3-16 Zelenskyy's Jewish Heritage: How does my Jewishness fit into the current events in Ukraine and Zelenskyy and prophecy?
2022-3-16 Atheism & the Supernatural: You know that for the Atheist there is no supernatural, right?
2022-3-16 Magic or Miracles: Atheist Caller; How do you distinguish magic from miracles?
2022-3-16 Paul-The Apostles: Was Paul an apostle in the same sense as was the twelve disciples/ apostles? [Galatians 2:9, I Thessalonians 1:1, 2 Corinthians 8:23].
2022-3-16 The Apostle Paul: What do you think of those that seem to doubt or disrespect the authority of the Apostle Paul? [2 Corinthians 12:12].
2022-3-16 Children in Heaven: When a child passes away, do they stay a child?
2022-3-16 Deconstruction (of the Church): Could you explain the word "deconstruction" as applied to the church?
2022-3-16 Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved): Do you believe in "Once Saved, Always Saved"? [Romans 11:22].
2022-3-16 Prayer: Caller shares that she prays for Steve as well as very many others.
2022-3-15 Christians Demon Possessed: Can a Christian who has the Holy Spirit also be demon possessed? [I Peter 5, Ephesians 6:10f, I John 4:4, James 4:7].
2022-3-15 Silas Was a Prophet: Where does it say in scripture that Silas was a prophet? [Acts 15:32].
2022-3-15 Jesus' Intercession in Heaven: Will Jesus continue to intercede for us when we are in heaven?
2022-3-15 Legacy Standard Bible: What are your thoughts on the "Legacy Standard Bible" (NASB)?
2022-3-15 Churches & Fellowship Groups on The fellowship/ church list at has a new area listed for Vancouver, Washington.
2022-3-15 Inerrancy & Inspiration of Scripture: Would you talk about the inerrancy or infallibility of the Bible and the inspiration of scripture?
2022-3-15 Spouses that Abuse One Another: Does the Bible talk about someone staying with a spouse that abuses them?
2022-3-15 Adoption & Redemption, Now & Later Regarding adoption and redemption, both now and future, can this be attributed to the "already/ not yet" concept? [Romans 8:11, Romans 8:15, Romans 8:23, Hebrews 6:5, Philippians 3:21 ].
2022-3-15 Our Bodies Inherently Evil: Are our bodies inherently evil and not able to be used for God? [Psalm 103:14, Matthew 26:41].
2022-3-15 Power Over Sin in Our Current Unredeemed Bodies: Can on have power over sin in this unredeemed body? [Romans 8:1-4, Romans 7:14-25].
2022-3-15 Interruption in the Journey to Christ: If the "Second Coming" and "Rapture" is at the same time, would that not interrupt the journey some may be in toward Christ?
2022-3-15 Ezekiel's Prophecy About the Coming Messiah: Would you talk about the "tabernacle among us being forever"? [Ezekiel 37:27-28, John 14:23, Ephesians 2:21-22].
2022-3-14 Wiping Out the Canaanites: How do you harmonize the wiping out of the Canaanites and the idea of loving your enemies? [Proverbs 25:21, 2 Kings 6:22, I Samuel 15, Matthew 5:44].
2022-3-14 Objection to Long Hair (on Men): How long is long hair on men? [I Corinthians 11:14, Deuteronomy 22:5, Acts 18:18].
2022-3-14 Who is Jesus?: Who was Jesus? [I Timothy 3:16, John 14:8-10].
2022-3-14 Guest; Paul Clark (Musician from 1970s): Paul Clark and Steve discuss the Jesus movement in the 1970s. Contact info:
2022-3-14 Peter's Crucifixion: Was Peter crucified upside down, and what did it symbolize?
2022-3-14 Spiritual Sacrifices" What are "spiritual sacrifices" and how do we offer them? [Romans 12:1, Romans 6:13, I Corinthians 6:20, Philippians 4:!*, Romans 15:16].
2022-3-14 Witnessing to Hollywood: How do you (Paul Clark-guest Christian musician) witness to those that have experienced fortune and fame? Contact info:
2022-3-11 Free to Re-marry: If I committed adultery, my wife divorced me and remarried, am I free to remarry? [Deuteronomy 24:1-3, Matthew 5:32].
2022-3-11 Bible Reading: Is it better to read the same translation multiple times, or better to read various translations?
2022-3-11 Evangelizing Others: Do you think that formulaic methods or "one size fits all" approaches to evangelism are effective?
2022-3-11 Jesus-More Than Messiah: Do you think that Jesus was more than the Messiah? [Mark 14:61].
2022-3-11 Preaching Against Sin: Should we be preaching against sin today? [I Corinthians 5:12].
2022-3-11 Unworthy to be Saved: What do you say to someone who thinks they are so unworthy that they do not deserve to be saved? [Galatians 2:21, I Corinthians 1:26-27].
2022-3-11 Contradiction-One or Two Demon Possessed Men: Is there a contradiction in the story of the demon possessed man, as it says in one gospel there was one man, and in another that there is two?
2022-3-11 Atheists Calling into the Show: Steve Gregg loves atheists or agnostics calling into the show, but when they call in, he'd love for them to have a specific point on why they don't believe there is a God rather than just generalizations.