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Date Topic Audio
2016-5-03 The wicked on the Last Day: What about UNbelievers (the unrighteous)? [John 5:28]
2016-5-03 White Throne Judgment: The White Throne Judgment will happen then also, & where will that take place? Heaven or the New Earth?
2016-5-03 Gold Dust: Caller makes a comment about a previous call about Gold dust, that if it's real gold how come no one brings it to a jewelry store?
2016-5-03 Committing Adultery by Default: If a husband divorces his wife except for adultery, he causes her to commit adultery by default, is that true? [Matthew 5:31]
2016-5-03 Prophets & Apostles for Today: Do Prophets & Apostles exists for today's age or was there a cessation of the spiritual gifts? [Ephesians 4:11-13, Ephesians 2:20, 1 Corinthians 1:7]
2016-5-03 ku Klux Klan: Is the KKK/Ku Klux Klan a Christian organization & if not, why not?
2016-5-03 Sleep Euphemism for Death: Can you explain the euphemism of sleep for death?
2016-5-03 Black Descendants & black Hebrew Israelites: is there any place in the Bible it talks about the descendants of blacks? Are they descendants of true Israel, black Hebrew Israelites?
2016-5-03 Honoring Jewish Feast Days: Should we honor and practice the Jewish Feast days? [Romans 14:5-6, Colossians 2:14-17, Galation 4:8-11]
2016-5-02 Prayers & Proclamations: I just read a book by Derek Prince called, "Prayers & Proclamations". Is that different than just using words to heal? [John 5:20]
2016-5-02 Gold Dust: Do you have any response as to what I should say to my nephew about Jewels & Gold Dust having nothing to do with anything that Jesus would do?
2016-5-02 English Grammar Question in Ephesians: why is the word "finally" used here? [Ephesians 6:10]
2016-5-02 Helmet of Salvation: What is the helmet of salvation? [Ephesians 6:17]
2016-5-02 Walter Martin: Walter Martin was a great teacher.
2016-5-02 Sexual Thought not a Sin: Caller heard a pastor say sexual fantasy is not actually sinful, only the physical act, witha married woman, is that true?
2016-5-02 The ESV & NASB Bibles: Is there difference between the ESV & the NASB bible? Which one would you recommend?
2016-5-02 12 Stones in Revelation: Are the 12 stones representative of the 12 tribes or maybe the 12 stones of the ephod of the high priests? [Revelation 21:19]
2016-5-02 Throne of God & Throne of the Lamb: Are there 2 thrones or one in Heaven, Revelation?
2016-5-02 Tree on 2 Sides of the River: Are there's one tree on 2 sides of the rivers, so the trunk is split in 2? [Revelation 22:2, Ezekiel 37]
2016-4-29 Adam & Eve bearing Children before the Fall: Did Adam & Eve have any children before they fell?
2016-4-29 Converting to the Hebrews Roots Movement: My sister is converting to Hebrew roots, the Messianic movement, & how does this help with the new covenant?
2016-4-29 Sunday-Best for Church: DOes it say anywhere in the Bible that we have to dress up for church?
2016-4-29 Alcholic Anonymus: what do you know about & think about Alcoholics Anonymous? Does it belong to something like the occult?
2016-4-29 Word of Knowledge: what is the "word of knowledge" in the Bible? Preachers have become rampant again calling out people's private information.
2016-4-28 Steve in the Radio Ministry: How did you get started in radio?
2016-4-28 Times of Refreshing & Restitution of all Things:: When is the times of refreshing & what is the restitution of all things? [Acts 3:19-20]
2016-4-28 Memory Verses out of Context: what would your answer be about using a bible verse for a memory verse that might be taking it completely out of context of what was intended? Take this example in Isaiah, for exadmple. [Isaiah 30:18]
2016-4-28 Evangelicalism: Is Evangelicalism talking about a particular group? What is the definition of "evangelicalism"?
2016-4-28 Fundamentalism & Liberalism: Can you talk about fundamentalism combating liberalism (theology)?
2016-4-28 Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil: Do we know what the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good & evil was?
2016-4-28 Guilty of Adultery continuously: So is it true that anytime you remarry someone who was divorced, are your or they committing adultery with that person forever?
2016-4-28 Women being Silent in the Church: Could you talk a little bit about women being silent in the church & ask your husband at home? [1 Corinthians 14, 1 Timothy 2, 1 Timothy 3]
2016-4-28 Math doesn't Work out 3 Days: 3 days & 3 nights in the tomb, doing the math, Jesus' death, it just doesn't seem to work out. Can you help me with that? He had to have been crucified on Wednesday & Thursday?
2016-4-27 Expository or Topical: When listening to sermons & teachings, should it be expository or topical verse by verse Bible?
2016-4-27 Christians Essentials: Where can i find you talking about Christian essentials, non-negotiables, on your website?
2016-4-27 Jesus being Prophecied Throughout the Entire Bible: So you can find Jesus all throughout the Bible from Genesis? What about the importance of prophecy? [Isaiah 53]
2016-4-27 Eternal Security (Once Saved/always saved): I believe in Eternal Security, but also know that a person can walk away from God, can become rebellious. What about people who refuse to share their faith? Isn't Confession kf faith necessary?
2016-4-27 Sharing our Faith: Caller wanted to chime in saying that sharing our faith is important, that sometimes we do just have to step up & do it.
2016-4-27 True Israel: What is the true Biblical view of true Israel?
2016-4-27 Christianity to Buddhism: I have a friend who was raised a Christian but has now onverted to Buddhism. What are the eternal consequences?
2016-4-26 Heaven to Earth: So we can literally bring Heaven to earth like it says in Ephesians? [Ephesians 2:6]
2016-4-26 Men having Long Hair: Long hair on men. [1 Corinthians 11:14]
2016-4-26 Women Teachers: When i'm listening to a women teach, am i disobeying God by not women not learning in silence or having authority [1 Timothy 2:11-12],
2016-4-26 Self-Defense: 2nd Amendment, self-defense, defense of others, non-resistance?
2016-4-26 Marriage Age: What age should people marry?
2016-4-26 Evidence of being a Christian: Where do you know there's real evidence of salvation, self-sacrifice?
2016-4-25 Christian Essentials: Do you have anything on Christian Essentials or non-negotiables?
2016-4-25 God Obligated to Answer our Prayers: Is God obligated to do what we pray in His name? 1john 5:13-15,
2016-4-25 Tattoos: What does the Bible say about tattoos? [Leviticus 19:28]
2016-4-25 Lou Engle & Inner Healing: I was ondering what you think about Lou Engle, inner healing & the Bethel church in Redding California